Confirmation seminar presented by Luke J Webster.

The increase in global population, combined with rapid development and industrial expansion have led to a significant amount of waste products released to the water, air and soil. Microalgae are uniquely positioned as potential bioremediation organisms, due to their rapid growth, genetic diversity, photosynthetic capability, and ability to simultaneously produce valuable products. Harnessing the power of genetic engineering, even greater potential exists for microalgae to treat contaminated water systems, including treatment of waste plastics, industrial effluent, inorganic carbon, and heavy metals.

Venue: Andrew N Liveris BuildingĀ (46-402)

About Confirmation Seminars

The purpose of the confirmation milestone is to ensure that the candidate receives appropriate feedback in relation to the viability and progress of the thesis project and that the resources required to complete the program of research within the recommended timeframe are available. It is also an opportunity to ensure that the candidate has demonstrated the capacity and capability to successfully complete the thesis in a timely manner.